Algebra (Linear Equation)


Why learn algebra?

Knowing how to solve linear equations will help you solve some dilution problems.

Note: Linear equation is a mathematical statement that performs functions of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Also linear equations is an equation in which every variable term is raised to the first power such as x1

The word linear is used because the graphs of those equations are just straight lines

Variable: Is a symbol that can represent a value that is unknown such as X

Lets start with a basic problem:

[Ex] 7x  - 7 = 42

7x - 7 +7 = 42 + 7    --------< we need to isolate the variable (x) by  adding 7 both sides

7x = 49

x = 49

Reminder: When an equation starts with a minus (-) sign you would have to do the opposite to isolate X which in this case you would add (+) both sides as shown in the example above. Always add or subtract both sides of the equation.

Okay now try this one:

Ex: 5 + (x - 2) = 20

5 + (x - 2) -5 = 20 -5    (subtract 5 to isolate 5+)

x-2 = 15

x-2 + 2 = 15 + 2         (add 2 to isolate X)

 X = 17

[Here is how we know our answer was correct by plugging the answer in the equation]

5 + (x - 2) = 20

5 + (17 - 2) = 20

17 - 2 = 15 + 5 = 20

Now took what you learned from algebra and analyze the tutorial below to see how algebra relates to pharmacy calculations.